There are no problems, only solutions.
No matter if it is how to start conversation with a girl
or how to turn the girl on with the topics and the way you talk
during the conversation while your first dates.
And there will be a way I can help you. Just ask what we can do.
The rules work in Europe, Asia, USA, and Latin America.
(Flirtlehrer has travelled a lot and always used the same methods.)
They will function in any country of the whole wide world.
The Rules are based on natural behavior between man and woman.
Flirtteacher has translated the old ancient rules
into modern manipulationing and has a lot of proven examples.
If you see a girl there are about 5 steps to get her.
Its always the same 5 steps from the moment you see her.
I could tell you things to make chances better
approaching, talking, proposing and acting the right way
during the most important first 5 seconds, minutes and first 5 dates.
VERY 1 st thing to do before stepping out:
Klick and read BASIC-Behaviour, about Selection
After reading these basics you will learn more about the 5 Steps of Flirt-success
- Step 0: Basic Behaviour
- Step 1: Start Contact
- Step 2: Get a Date
- Small Talk / Keep Conversation
- Get Phone Number or Date
- Step 3: Date her
- Step 4: Kiss her
- Step 5: Make Love
Now you can obtain our rules also in English language.
Ask for them immediately!
You could be the first to use these professional rules
if you write an e-mail to us and
- Contact the FLIRTLEHER = Flirt-Teacher
- just to ask how you could learn
by changing e-mail between you and us.
However, you also can wait till the know-how is
put on this website. Bookmark this page and come back.
Please read also my pages about Basic Behaviour + Selection which tell you frankly, that NOT YOU select the girl, but the GIRL WILL SELECT YOU
All that reader does after having read these pages
he will do on his own risk!
The author does not take any responsibility
for newly won or lost feelings or whatever will
happen to you, especially not for psychologic
changes in reader's character or economic changes
because of divorces or marrying a millionaire.
Why could this happen? Read more about it and
klick to accept my Disclaimer
Page is under Construction!
However, the below listed links are OKAY:
First Page
Basics of Behaviour
Women do the Selection
5 Flirtsteps to Success
Opening Lines
Keep Cool Pics
Kissing Gag Fotos
Keep Cool
Kissing pics
Orgasm 2002
Buy Reports
© 1999. last update: Dec. 18, 2001 by